Oh my goodness, we all have money blocks from time to time, even my most successful clients drop into scarcity and start sabotaging their results. Part of the art of staying in an abundance mindset is working on your money muscle regularly, feeding your soul and vision and clearing anything in the way holding you back..
The thing is .. these blocks are often invisible and won’t be made known unless you are doing your INNER WORK and are truly dedicated to your next level of money and success .. in the best possible way .. in accordance with your Highest Good …
Join me for the weekly clearings in the Manifesting Biz Mastermind and shift your business and your mindset and manifest more money and opportunities - every single week .. click here for the information (but make sure you circle back and click the link above for the 50% off)
It’s so good to have you here!
Welcome to the Money Archetypes Course.
I am looking forward to taking you through your unique blueprint for making money with ease and grace .. in alignment with your unique success DNA™ and Highest Good of all …
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What is your unique money making pathway? You want to be creating a blue ocean business, that means we're not worried about the competition, you are in your own lane, using all your key strengths, in alignment and integrity, monetizing your skills and knowledge in a powerful way.
Every opportunity that comes into your world as being filtered or seen through the lens of your money archetypes, even if you are not aware of it. So understanding your best strategies in alignment with your best strengths is key to your success.
You can make powerful shifts in your business and life, very easily with your money archetypes activated.
When you know what your money archetypes it opens a the gateway for you to empower your strengths and consciously handle your challenges. So you will no longer operating either in the shadow of your archetypes or running your business and your life unconsciously trying to model other people's success or do strategies that just aren't going to work for you.
Your money archetypes give you the ability to eliminate a lot of issues regarding money.
Creating a real connection and understanding with money is going to help you move freely into creating more money. But in order for that to happen, you cannot feel divided. And this is what alignment really is. It's about not feeling divided. You need to feel completely in your integrity and in alignment. And the big part of the brilliance of the money archetypes is you create the exact kind of powerful alignment you've been seeking.
When you feel good, you create good and you attract good.
Your money archetypes represent your drive, what lights you up, and how you can be when you're in flow and attracting your best experiences. And this is at the heart of prosperity and increasing your income.
If you don't get this right, you will wonder how you've increased your income when you do, or you'd be worried that you can't repeat it and you'd be lost in a sea of strategies wondering which one best suits you.
The money archetypes is it gives you a blueprint for success that will keep you focused an unaffected by shiny objects.
You’ll be empowered to work consciously with your challenges, giving power to your strengths, having your best money making strategies on the radar, activated and ready to roll. What's especially powerful about being in alignment with your money archetypes is things can start to open up as you create more synchronicity and greater opportunities, which is more often, mostly miraculously start to come your way.
So knowing your archetypes will give you the ability to help you eliminate a lot of issues regarding money. It can set you up on the right path and give you some inspiration. Let’s go through your sacred strengths so you can own your new position in the world of prosperity.
Are you responsible for selling your products and service directly or a Sales Agents in Real Estate? You can use the powerful qualities of your money archetypes to really step up and ask for what you deserve, and be a powerful negotiator with a clear certainty on your value.
Asking for the money you want takes a strong money mindset.
Using the qualities your money archetype will really propel you forward. A lot of us get a little bit icky about money or we might be having a low period. We might even have some personal problems coming on. We might have had a business, or a business injury like a bankruptcy or business that's failed and it may have wounded confidence and empowerment around money. You can do it before every sales meeting and really activate really powerful money mindset.
What’s one situation where you are afraid or reluctant to give voice to your value.
Stating your fees
Negotiating with a vendor
Asking for a new client’s payment when hired
Asking a client to get current with their payments
Negotiating with a client who wants to drop out of a program or service
When a client keeps asking for more than what was initially agreed upon
Asking a client for a non-refundable deposit
Saying “no” when asked for a discount
Saying “no” when a client asks to prolong or extend the time-frame of their program
When a client questions your fees or the value of your services
Asking for a loan
Being asked for a loan
Discussing expenditure with your spouse/partner
Discussing money with your family
Telling your friends or family you’re purchasing something such as a new house or car
Telling your spouse/partner you want to invest in your business
Discussing financial goals and dreams with your spouse/partner
Discussing debt with creditors
Discussing debt with your spouse/partner
Asking for a raise or increasing your prices
Discussing with your spouse/partner or family why you are creating debt to invest in your business
Let’s own the positive traits of your money archetypes to transform you into total empowerment. When your money mindset is clear and you know your value, you create a healthy relationship with money and charging what you are worth comes easier.
When you have this level of empowerment, you have a positive affect and influence on others, and that’s not only good for business, it has a positive on your relationships too!