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So many times I see people trying so hard on their money mindset, and in their ‘trying’ they actually push prosperity and money away and unconsciously activate the paradigm of scarcity thinking even more!
And that breaks my heart, because it’s usually the people who need money the most, that end up pushing it away.. and remember good people do good things with money .. is that you???
want to know more .. invest in the express money archetype training below
When you feel good, you create good and you attract good.
Your money archetypes represent your drive, what lights you up, and how you can be when you're in flow and attracting your best experiences. And this is at the heart of prosperity and increasing your income.
If you don't get this right, you will wonder how you've increased your income when you do, or you'd be worried that you can't repeat it and you'd be lost in a sea of strategies wondering which one best suits you.
The money archetypes is it gives you a blueprint for success that will keep you focused an unaffected by shiny objects.
Shane Kempton – High Performance Coach
Ok, so I'm a believer!!! Two of the most amazing things have happened in the last 24 hours. First, in our session I said I had to let go of my old business partner. I wake up this morning and there is an email from him saying we haven't spoken for awhile but he has a buyer for our old business which would tie up that loose end. AMAZING! Second, I met with a potential client yesterday thinking I was proposing a 90 minute workshop. Instead the conversation progressed to a 6 to 12 month training program for his group. Looking like my first $10k a month client. AMAZING! Plus confirmed my second $5K a month client this week! Super excited about the future. Thank you Jen!
Jacqui Jubb - Lawyer and Brand Strategist
Oh my goodness, tingling with excitement Jen Cudmore - Feeling a sense of calm, exhilaration, purpose and alignment tonight as I imagine all the possibilities ahead. Thank you from the bottom of my heart 😍 I had no idea some of my beliefs were so ingrained about family/money/luck. I definitely feel a big shift today! And I have been dreaming about the things I kept telling myself I shouldn’t want or can’t have!
We had our money call Tuesday night, Wednesday morning
my husband and I received $84K ....Unbelievable landslide isn't it.....just a blessing".
"I’ve had a massive breakthrough and gone past $5000 mark today. Also, feel it’s got to do with wed session to clearing big stuff. I’m so grateful you’ve changed my life.... Had a breakthrough and reached $6000 today "
Activate your business
Get into Alignment with your money archetypes and unlock the secret codes to your success!