Join me for the month of May clearing your deep cellular money blocks, and getting into Alignment with abundance in the best possible way. This is next level deep transformation that will have you seeing business growth in a whole new way.
There are so many mindset processes out there, and while so many of them are amazing not all of them will be in right Alignment for you on your business journey. The Business Shine Program will help you have your OWN UNDERSTANDING about your unique and magnetic brand and codes for success, and your own personal manifesting codes for increased income and abundance.
There can be so many limiting beliefs held deeply in your nervous system, and often dictated to you by society, industry, market trends and generational heaviness, that can have you dipping in and out of scarcity and fear.
In Business Shine we are not available for that!
We work on changing your energy, helping heal the old stories and traumas and imprints, and we give you an engaged new flow strategy so you know you are special, here for something amazing, full of faith and optimism, and ready for work and miracles.
When you have a clear vision, are feeling magnetic about your offerings and business life gets exciting, and so does the income you start attracting with so much more ease and inspiration.
➡︎ invisible blocks
➡︎ the wrong mindset
➡︎ trauma in your childhood or family line
➡︎ using strategies that are out of alignment with your personal brand and values
➡︎ missing the whole point, that God/Universe is actually on your side and trying to help you soar!
It’s your time now, to finally surrender to your next level and understand your business and your ability to create more abundance in a whole new way, and invite it into your life for Good.
3rd May Tuesday 5.45 pm - 7pm PST USA TIMEZONE
(4th May Wednesday 10.45 am - 12pm SYDNEY TIMEZONE)
11th May Wednesday 5.45pm - 7pm PST USA TIMEZONE
(12th May Thursday 10.45am - 12pm SYDNEY TIMEZONE)
17th May Tuesday 5.45pm - 7pm PST USA TIMEZONE
(18th May Wednesday 10.45am - 12pm SYDNEY TIMEZONE)
24th May Tuesday 5.45pm - 7pm PST USA TIMEZONE
(25th May Wednesday 10.45am - 12pm SYDNEY TIMEZONE
Sometimes it seems that no amount of positive thinking and mindset in the world can shift the stubborn blocks.
It may be a spiritual block or an inherited generational program or a childhood wound that needs to be released from the cellular memory so you can truly integrate your next income level with grace and ease ..
That’s where the gift of the BIZ KINESIOLOGY™ comes in … I can help you find out exactly what you need to clear, and what you are ready to clear now. And the results can be stunning.
You may have been working on yourself for years, and have many pieces of the puzzle. But have not quite been able to breakthrough to your next level of money and fulfillment. Beyond beginners luck.
If you are here - chances are you want to stay on purpose, doing your best work in the world, whilst being driven and ambitious to break the ceiling on your money and success. Without selling your soul.
During this powerful time with me, we will transform your energy, mindset and whole vibe with prosperity and possibility, so you attract business and opportunities in a whole way, as a natural part of you being you - doing business.
Building your manifesting muscle so you can repeat and be grateful for the increasing prosperity and positioning you have in your life and business.
Tapping into your unique Soul BUSINESS BLUEPRINT for success and all the goodness in store for you.
THE BUSINESS SHINE PROGRAM is not for everyone.
This process is for people who have a desire to be their best in the world, be a gift to others, cracking open their next level of Entrepreneurship, and operating in a paradigm beyond scarcity.
Maybe it’s your time now, and maybe The Business Shine Program is the shift you are ready for?
With my magical formula of Coaching and Kinesiology we can go deeper and find out EXACTLY what could be holding you back - and we can unlock your unique manifesting codes that work especially for you! This is where the real work happens taking you beyond where you have been before, clearing energy and healing your negative patterns blocking prosperity.
Hi, I’m Jen Cudmore and I have a gentle yet powerful process to help you manifest your next level of prosperity and success.
Energy and Mindset - Entrepreneur Alignment Expert to top purpose-driven, multi-7, 8 figure Entrepreneurs, Real Estate Sales Agents, High Impact Leaders and Coaches all over the world …
I help you nail your signature success codes and strategies, monetizing your unique gifts and talents - and MOST IMPORTANTLY clearing the invisible subconscious blocks to prosperity and success .. and your true purposeful and fruitful work in the world!
These highly transformational sessions are unlike anything you may have experienced before!
Most of my clients find it hard to even put into words, the transformations and shifts they have in their money and their success, going through this process with me.
Getting really clear with your money archetypes means you will know exactly which strategies to lean into, where to put your attention, and what is your most authentic fulfilling way forward - and you won’t feel like you are selling your soul as you increase your income. Sometimes it’s the permission piece you have been waiting for - fulfilling your sacred money contracts, making money in the best most aligned way for you.
Understand the new paradigm that awaits and embrace abundance thinking. There is a new money frequency and alignment available now - to those who are open to receiving. Your Business can have a new Shine, and your time is now to understand what ‘authentic blessed abundance’ means for you.
Up grade and heal the invisible blocks in the way of you truly being your best and being in flow with money and abundance. Some of these blocks you may have been working on for years, but haven’t found the missing piece - or maybe it wasn’t time - and now it is!
When you are anchored in your value and power, and are really clear on your prosperity goals and have cleared the blocks - you can relax and do your best in business - without the doubt and anxious hustling. Sharing yourself and your gifts with grace and ease.
✔️Discovering your Money archetypes and unique codes and business strategies for abundance
✔️Unblocking your flow with prosperity and healing your old scarcity wounds and experiences.
✔️Clearing trauma blocked in your nervous/energetic system related to past business injuries.
✔️Moving out of fight/flight survival thinking and into quantum creation mindset, manifesting new clients who love the work you do.
✔️Decoding your DNA of inherited generational programs that are holding you back.
✔️Clearing blocks to success created in your childhood.
✔️Clarity and conviction on your pricing and worth.
Let me take you through the program and what it’s all about for you ..
Shift into the new paradigm with abundance …
Getting momentum is key to creating abundance flow .. we will help you catch that wave so you are not operating in a feast and famine energy.
Have you been working on your money mindset for a while, but end up either making your goals too big and giving up too soon - or playing too small giving yourself lots of logical reasons why things aren’t happening?
Are you worried about the economy and feeling afraid about world events and have slipped into survival mode, and can’t seem to break the fear pattern?
Has these couple of years taken a hit on your self-confidence and you see other people doing well on-line and you are wondering if you perhaps just don’t have their ‘star quality’.
Or are you feeling lost in a sea of other peoples work and offers on line, and are beginning to doubt you will be able to make an impact, and the income you are dreaming of?
Is there fear in your household with your spouse or partner, your friends, clients and colleagues and you are finding it hard to believe in the quantum leap you were hoping you would make in your finances and success.
Do you have past traumas or family dramas or failures that you believe are holding you back?
✔️This is for you if you are feeling the weight of these times and want to stay in an abundance mindset and do something constructive that contributes more without fear or anxiety about the future.
✔️This is for you if you want extra strength during times of turmoil, and to be part of a movement of high vibrational business pioneers who know that business is a journey, and that their ability to have FAITH and BELIEVE in their ability to manifest abundance is the core of their success.
✔️This is for you if you want to make an impact and are good at what you do. And you want to heal anything in the way of you receiving more for your gifts.
With the magic of the work we do will help you create more money and impact in a way that feels in Alignment with you .. beyond where you have been before …
"The more you do well in the world - the more you can help others do good” Jen Cudmore
I help Entrepreneurs become experts in their field standing out as valuable and increasing their income and their impact by monetizing their expertise, genius and gifts.
With 16+ years and thousands of hours of experience as a Kinesiologist and Coach, I am very experienced at navigating the inside game to success, clearing fearful patterns and negative beliefs and finding the most aligned and powerful path to freedom, self-expression, higher purpose, authenticity and high level success.
I work internationally with multi-7 figure CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, high impact Leaders, and high performing Realtors who need to be on their best game, and in alignment at all times.
Nailing their unique personal brand and aligned strategies by discovering their unique business archetypes, learning the inner magic of being in flow and manifesting their next level, takes them beyond where they have been before, free of competition and comparison energy - owning their own space and success!