The Next Level Money and Business Soul Retreats are part of the Manifesting Advantage™ Mastermind every quarter … but can be attended as a one-off experience
There is an Art of Creating your next level of money and deeper meaning and success and it all starts from the inside - out.
Often we are too busy following the ‘strategies for success’ that we don’t take the time to do the inner work and ‘imagining’ to help manifest powerful shifts and changes in our future …. and we often end up with more of the same.
Same level in money. Same identity in business. Same problems and blocks. And not creating the impact we know is possible.
The space you take to go deeper into the KNOWING, the SEEING, the FEELING and the INTUITIVE VISIONARY DOWNLOADS and what is possible for you when you commit to a higher level of what you can BE and DO.
And with the unparalleled innovation of Business Kinesiology™ I can help you tap deeply into your unique design for success so you know exactly who you are in your SOUL aligned Business, and the flow path to help make dreams come true.
Plus we will clear subconscious blocks and old patterns holding you back from becoming the next level version of you .. the one who is made for more .. .more impact … more money … more meaning … and more pleasure and Soul purpose.
There are many Golden ‘codes’ to claim, and hacks to discover and this special deep dive retreat will allow the time and energetic space for your Soul get into the drivers seat taking you where you REALLY want to go .. instead of following other people to a place that perhaps doesn’t feel right for you.
Take the time with me, to claim your next level identity, on a Soul level, and bring more potency to your business. Make the time for miracles … Manifesting Money, Making a Difference, and Shining!
Let me help you clear the way forward, manifesting your next level of money and success
Saturday 22nd January 3pm - 6pm PST
Sunday 23rd January 3pm - 6pm PST
Sunday 23rd January 10am - 1pm
Monday 24th January 10am - 1pm
The Soul Business Retreats™ are also part of THE MANIFESTING ADVANTAGE MASTERMIND … this is a next level highly unique mastermind where we are manifesting money and business. I am LIVE with you 2 x a week, in your corner, energetically supporting you and coaching you in your unique design for success ..