Jen's a valuable part of my team to help me move through the emotional "stuff" around entrepreneurship and to help me think bigger as a leader. We meet regularly to test out new ideas and concepts, identify invisible blocks and sabotages, and clear everything holding me back from living my full potential. I recommend Jen to any leader wanting to make a big impact in the world!
There is so much power in going through this process and I believe that the clarity a focused session I did with my partner in a business, has literally saved us tens of thousands of dollars and focused us in a way that will make us millions, and still stay true to our values. To have us on the same page clear on our roles and all working for a common goal with no emotional baggage is priceless. Jen works with us to make better decisions and really helps me move forward, clearing blockages and past emotions about situations and ensuring we are clear of any limiting concepts and focused on the result - it has literally been life changing.
I was so excited and could not wait to share the news of my awards with you—wow we have come a long way together... since working with you I have gone from a bronze to a gold award plus lots of other little accolades along the way. With all this, I have never felt so in flow and relaxed about my love of real estate and the daily pleasure and honor it brings me helping people through their transitions in life through my work. -