Create your own Blue Ocean Business, beyond competition
In Alignment with your Unique Brand Essence
Jen has developed a process over the last 15 years, using Inner Alignment Coaching systems combined with the unparalleled innovation of Kinesiology, that has helped 100s of successful business people get clarity and results.
In this carefully crafted course we will use Inner Alignment Coaching Systems and Business Kinesiology to create a new business alignment that will be informational and transformational – shifting you into a new paradigm of success.
Unblocking your flow with money and changing your money story.
Clearing trauma blocked in your nervous/energetic system related to past business injuries.
Discovering your niche, vision and leadership.
Moving out of fight/flight survival thinking and into quantum creation mindset, manifesting new clients who love the work you do.
Aligning to your Unique Success DNA personal Brand.
Creating marketing templates and branding blueprint including vibrational words that are in alignment with your brand.
Discovering your Money archetypes and Unique Success wealth pathways.
Decoding your DNA of inherited generational programs that are holding you back.
Clearing blocks to success created in your childhood.
Clarity and conviction on your pricing and worth.
8 Weeks of On-line Content
weekly Clear Mindset Classes
Shane Kempton – High Performance Coach
Ok, so I'm a believer!!! Two of the most amazing things have happened in the last 24 hours.
First, in our session Ii said I had to let go of my old business partner.
I wake up this morning and there is an email from him saying we haven't spoken for awhile but he has a buyer for our old business which would tie up that loose end. AMAZING!
Second, I met with a potential client yesterday thinking I was proposing a 90 minute workshop. Instead the conversation progressed to a 6 to 12 month training program for his group. Looking like my first $10k a month client. AMAZING! Plus confirmed my second $5K a month client this week!
Super excited about the future. Thank you Jen!
Jacqui Jubb - Lawyer and Brand Strategist
Oh my goodness, tingling with excitement Jen Cudmore - Feeling a sense of calm, exhilaration, purpose and alignment tonight as I imagine all the possibilities ahead. Thank you from the bottom of my heart 😍
I had no idea some of my beliefs were so ingrained about family/money/luck. I definitely feel a big shift today! And I have been dreaming about the things I kept telling myself I shouldn’t want or can’t have!
Jim Badans - Evolution Business Coaching
This is the very first time in my 15 year coaching career that I absolutely know who it is I am MEANT TO BE coaching.
Roxi Dashtur - Nurse and Holistic Therapist
OMG I have carried these wounds for 44 years and been to 500,000 people to clear this. This is Transformational to say the least. I cannot explain the total relief and freedom this brings and of course Joy. I only hope I can help someone like this when their pain is overwhelming and find no way out for so long.
Petra Jungmamova - Creative Entrepreneur Coach
I’ve been familiar with Jen’s work over 2 years now so when the opportunity came to dive deeper into my uniqueness and finding my sweet spot with my business I could not resist! I’ve been positively blown aways but the detail and complexity of each session progressing towards confidence and clarity on business. Working with Jen has always been incredibly transformational and I absolutely love the immersion and permanent changes the ...DNA.... program has to offer. I’m really excited about the opportunities I’m going to create in my work, in flow.
Samantha Riley - The Accelerant Group
The Unique Brand and Success Program is the best course I've ever done to take my business next level. Instead of a course telling you what to do, this course delivers the tools to create a unique business model perfectly in flow for you. I've peeled back so many layers of the onion, it's astounding. I've not only dramatically increased my prices, but attracted new clients. Jen is a magician and I'm so grateful to have her in my corner.