Wishing you a warm welcome to the on-line content of the Unique Brand and Success Program. You will receive a module a week for 8 weeks, with a sneak preview exercise from the module ahead. I have delivered the work with you on video. so you can be guided through the work. I have also created it in bite size so you can jump in and nail different parts at different times if you have a lot on the go. This also helps you come back and find parts of the work that you want to update or revisit.
Even though this work in informational, (in that you will get your business blueprint together through the process), it is actually designed as a transformational process. There is a special depth and magic that will occur if you allow yourself to go with the flow, and let things full into place and be open to new insights as you surrender to the process. Some of these insights will become obvious as you go, others will bubble up later in aha moments, or the seeds of activation for your success in the future, sometimes even years into the future.
It is designed to open up new brain pathways that will activate new paradigms of success, that you possibly can’t discover through models, strategies and the usual coaching systems.. Enjoy the journey …
With this program you also get access to 12 weekly Q & A sessions Fridays 9am Sydney (AEST) 4pm (PST USA). And 3 private sessions. Plus FREE access for 12 weeks to the Clear Mindset Classes every Wednesday 11am Sydney (AEST) 6pm (PST USA).
Here is the zoom link for the Q & A’s
Plus your 3 private sessions with me. You can book those here.
Here is a private facebook group where the Q & A’s will be loaded
Here is the link to join the Clear Mindset Classes